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Sunday, June 5, 2016

Jelly Crush Saga - Hard Level 64 The Jelly Queen Eats Your Lunch And Makes You Sad


Level 64 is a hard level and it's with the Jelly Queen. What an ordeal on this one. Talk about having to have some luck well, it just better be your day or you will have to play and play and play until you get good enough to figure out how to beat her.

I didn't count how many times I played this level but it must have been over 30 times until I finally got some luck and barely beat her. No, so far I haven't used any of my bonus candies to get an advantage. All my bonus candies I originally was given when I started playing Jelly Crush Saga are still intact. I've never had to play so long and get so damn irritated as I did in this level 64 against the Jelly Queen. Level 64 is labeled as a "Hard Level" but I tell you it's harder than that! You have to learn how to fight the Jelly Queen on this one.

I just got out of level 67 which is labeled as another "Hard Level" and let me tell you again it is. In level 67 you get very few choices and lots of "Re Shuffles". Basically you just have to wait until a game comes your way that goes your way and be really smart about your moves. You have to learn how to play this one too.

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