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Sunday, December 10, 2017

Candy Crush Jelly Saga Level 923. You Won't Win Because It's Engineered For The Computer To Win

Candy Crush Jelly Saga Level 923. You Won't Win

Level 923 Is The Worst

Written By James Allan | 12-10-2017

This game was the hardest I've encountered playing Candy Crush Jelly Saga. It appears that this game is completely engineered for the computer to win and it did several times, well, I shut it down before it won because I knew the computer was going to blast me into loser hell.

I must have played 50 times on this game and the computer always zonked me to no end. There were about 3 times I was up in this game and the computer would always come back to to destroy me. Artificial intelligence isn't real intelligence when the game is programmed to make you lose.

The way I defeated this game level was to play until I once again got up on it then use a few of my bonus candies to blast the computer so it would not come back to defeat me again and it always did. I've only had to purchase "1" time from Microsoft to replenish my bonus candies and I do my best to stretch these purchased candies out.

I'm now at level 951 shooting for the big "1000" game level mark and my bonus candies are running low again. After game level "800" the games start getting hard here and there. There are some game levels that are fairly simple that can be won but most take you to where you just have 1 or 2 candies left to defeat and win which makes you use your bonus candies. If I get to 1 or 2 candies remaining to win I usually will use a bonus candy to take them out and move on.

After I advanced in game levels I kept going back to play level 923 and eventually after many many times I did finally defeat this level without any bonus candies. I'm still using my bonus candies at level 951 but only after several dozen plays I hit a game play where I only need 1 or 2 more bangs to win. 

I hope to make it to level "1000" without giving more money to Microsoft but who knows. I guess keeping $2.00 in my pocket may be more of a win then getting to level "1000". Good Luck if your playing this game too. Right now there's only 1 player ahead of me and I expect either he is a Microsoft employee or paying he way to the top?

Jim Allan, EzineArticles Platinum Author

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